Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cult Think

Cult Think

I sponsor a group on Facebook called Christian Apologetics. A lot of things are discussed there, but Mormonism takes a front row seat.

Recently several Mormons have been responding to articles I post and literally all but bury the site in laborious, cookie cutter LDS responses.. I am sure they mean well, but it gets to be a frustration dealing with them.

I write an article; they respond with an often lengthy, Mormon exhortation. Usually they say that I don’t understand Mormonism, I lie, I misrepresent their doctrines or actions and go on to give a candy coated look at the only true church, knowing that many people are reading what they say.

I respond to their post, giving them answers and facts to support my original premise and they respond back, ignoring my evidence, brushing me off as an angry ex-Mormon who couldn’t live the gospel and other responders as naive Christians who never understood Mormonism and then the Mormons go off on another tangent.

On one topic recently, I finally just deleted the entire topic, just to cut off their supple line for prattle. It was going nowhere.

I have been thinking about this phenomenon for the last day or so and recalled a teaching I did over 20 years ago. I wish I still had the notes. If I do, they are buried in the many notes I kept over the years, a significant sum that I hope to someday sort through. Sort of like the closet full of boxes filled with photos we will probably never sort through, either.

The frustration comes from trying to deal with what I call Cult Think.

Cult Think is the way cult members process data.

Data from the cult itself, in the form of sermons, teachings, books, manuals, rules, regulations, tests of worthiness go straight in.. direct access.

It is not weighed and measured. For example, Mormons have been taught that when the leaders speak, the thinking is done. To question or study a thing out with outside resources is to invite apostasy and the loss of one’s testimony.

Often a Biblical scripture taken outside of context is to accepted as evidence of some truth the cult’s leader may be expounding on, even though the Biblical context is opposite its use. Many of my website articles are filled with such examples.

The Mormon leaders say that God is an exalted man and that worthy Mormons can attain their own godhood. The faithful Mormon accepts that as eternal truth, even though the Bible refutes that in a several dozen clear scriptures. There is no study or searching out the scriptures. You have to wonder that the Mormon accepts this premise blindly; even the Book of Mormon denies that doctrine.

Now, on the other hand , any data from a former member or a concerned Christian; a caring family member or neighbor is received as an attack on the faith and is filtered through a thick wall of defense.

The Mormon or other cult member believes in their heart that the giver of the data left the cult/church to live a life in sin, couldn’t live up to the laws and ordinances of the cult gospel; is making money saying these evil things, hates the cult/ Mormons, is lying about it, manipulating scripture to cause them to lose their testimony.

The result is that just a fraction of the data penetrates the wall. When enough is said or read to actually break through the wall, the Mormon or other cult member immediately goes to bearing one’s testimony of the truthfulness of the cult or its leader or prophet or doctrine.

When this hypnotic/trance like testimony is over, the wall is back up and in place, the data giver is back to square one.

Once I was asked by a pastor to be at his side when he met with a Mormon couple and their bishop, to discuss why he allowed their LDS daughter to go forward at an altar call in his church. They were furious. When the bishop saw that I was sitting with the pastor, they put the meeting on hold until two men with higher ranking than bishop could attend.

When one of the new arrivals was stunned that he did not have answer to a question that I had asked, he immediately went into testimony mode.

As he got to the “… and I believe the Book of Mormon is the Word of God…”, I noticed from across the small desk that his eyes had fully dilated. He was in a hypnotic state!

I loudly smacked my hands together right in front of his face and loudly proclaimed, “The Book of Mormon cannot be true..”

He sat there in a silent daze and did not open his mouth again for the rest of the meeting.. He was literally bewildered.

My point is: Realize that you are dealing with Cult Think when you witness. Watch for it, work around it and keep poking those holes. Those walls do come down through prayer, love and persistence.

If you have a response to this post, I will be happy to post it.

Ed Decker


  1. Mormons are First Century Christians, not Fourth Century Creedal Christians;

  2. This an excellent and forensic description of what you aptly call cult think. It is exactly how it works and so frustrating when you do so much work to faithfully respond from Scripture only to find it ignored by a Mormon who doesn't even know how to respond to and use Scripture.

    I have taught for years that Christians need to be sharp and to model sound biblical dexterity so that the Mormon goes away with a picture not only of what you have said but of how you deftly and confidently handled the book. It is no guarantee of success but they must see it done becasue they don't see it done in church.

    Your picture of a glazed look is chilling but you are right. People won't believe it of their friends but they really do switch off and become Stepford believers.

  3. Bot... Mormons are no more First Century Christians than they are 21st Century Christians.

    They reject the Cross, they reject His blood, they reject the gift of salvation freely given to those who believe, they serve a false Jesus, brother of Lucifer, serve a false who does not prophesy, they reject His completed Word...They toss out grace and pick up works..

    The list goes on....

  4. I visited your site "Bot" and I am underwhelmed.

    In support of your claim that "Mormons are First Century Chrisians" you cite the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices, anointing rutals, secret names and rituals, secret teaching about creation and levels of heaven in the same groups and, to top it all, you cite Harold Bloom, a self-declared "Jewish Gnostic" whose main area of expertise is literary criticism. You are sharp as a button, I will give you that.

    I can't quite put my finger on it but I sense something is missing...Oh! I know. The Bible and early Christian teaching. It always amazes me how much someone can achieve without ever engaging their mind, or opening the Word of God.

    As to so-called "Creedal Christians", you clearly don't understand the role of the creeds and confessions in Christian teaching and praxis, otherwise you would be thankful for the way they refute error and uphold truth. Oh, but you're a Mormon so maybe you would rather refute truth and uphold error. I see where your coming from now.

    "Creedal Christians", of course, is a handy tag that indolent Mormons use to characterise Christians with whom they don't agree rather than engage in discussion of the issues. It is meant to convey the erroneous nonsense that what we believe stems from the fourth century while what Mormons believe stems from the first (although it has to be said from desert groups whose teachings are not found in the Bible)

    The creeds declare biblical truth and if I were a betting man I would bet you a penny to a pound (alright, a dime to a dollar) that I can find so-called "Creedal Christianity" in the Bible while you will fail to find Mormonism there.

    Any time you want to take on the challenge I will be here. You name a Creedal statement and I will demonstrate its biblical root, then I will name a Mormon doctrine and you find its biblical root.

  5. Hi Ed,

    I found your site through I'm in my fifties and was saved at the age of 35 out of a very legalistic church with a works-based gospel. My closest school chum from 2nd grade through high school is LDS, from a strong LDS family, with an LDS husband and four children. We keep in touch though she lives out of state. I love her so much. I pray for an opportunity to proclaim the true gospel to her. I pray for her salvation.

    When we were in jr. high, I went twice with this friend to her Mormon girls' summer camp and witnessed first-hand this hypnotic bearing of testimonies which you've described. I was amazed but not swayed. I wasn't saved at the time (though I thought I was a Christian) but God protected me from being seduced by Mormonism.

    God bless you for your faithful ministry year in and year out. It must be exhausting and exasperating at times working in this highly resistant mission field - but God loves Mormons and I'm so glad you love them too!

    I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of your site and learning. Just wanted to encourage you, brother.

    Til the shout,
