Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas 2011 Greetings and Information

Christmas 2011

Dear Friends, Warmest Christmas Greetings from the Decker Family to yours this glorious time of the year. It is a time when we gather together to remember the birth of our Savior and Lord. A time to give thanks for all the blessings we have in Him.

Carol and I, along with our children, pray that your Christmas time will be as joyous as ours as we count our blessings, surrounded by our loved ones.
We especially delight in the many hundreds, if not thousands of people who have found new life in Christ this year through this ministry and the prayers and support you have provided.  What a party we will have in Heaven!

Jason, Lori, Carol, Ed, Joscelyn, Josh, 
Hailey, James, Olivia, Brooklyn

And the angel said unto them, Fear not:
for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day
in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

The Decker Report
Ready to Go  on January 1st

Ed is now hosting The Decker Report, a national, weekly one hour radio program dealing with issues facing the Christian world in today’s anti-Christian society. He will be teaching on many far-ranging subjects, from the cults to evolution/creationism.  Join him here at The Decker Report. Listen in and share your own views, ask your own questions.

Starting January 1st, you can listen to Ed at:

Each weekly program will remain on-line for two weeks after it is uploaded and available for your  to listen or download to  your PC, laptop, I-Pod or mp3 Player.
As soon as we are able to set up the site, all programs will be on file at and
We Need a Little Bit of Help

Dear Friends,  would you  please pray about sending in a special Christmas, year-end gift to the ministry. Things are pretty tight right now, as we reach out even further than we ever thought possible. We especially need gifts to our almost empty PayPal account, where many of our monthly bills are paid.  You can send in a PayPal gift to or a regular gift at   Just click on Donations.  And there is always the mail.

Saints Alive   P.O.. Box 1347, Issaquah  WA 98027

By The Way.. Here are a few items of Interest

Joel Osteen, Mark Burnett
Team Up for Reality TV Series 
By Jeff Schapiro | Christian Post Reporter   Dec. 01 2011

“Joel Osteen, a bestselling author and pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, is teaming up with the producer of shows like “Survivor,” “The Voice” and “The Apprentice” to develop a new reality series.

"It's not going to be cameras following Joel or Victoria around the house all day,” said Donald Iloff, a spokesperson for the Osteens, in an interview with The Christian Post on Wednesday. He says Osteen's show will be more like “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” than “Jersey Shore,” in that its focus will be on helping people.
TMZ broke the news about the reality TV venture on Tuesday, saying Osteen and television producer Mark Burnett had reached an agreement to work on a new show together.
Burnett told TMZ the concept of the series is to show regular people going on mission trips around the United States with Osteen in an attempt to “start fixing things.””


Group opposed to Muslim TV show hit by 'terrorist hackers' 
By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY 12/13/2011

“The conservative Florida organization that pressured retailer Lowe's to yank its ads from a program about Muslim Americans claims that "terrorist hackers" attacked its website, forcing the group to shut it down.
The Florida Family Association, based in Tampa, objected to the TLC program All-American Muslim, saying it was "propaganda" that hides the radical agenda of Muslims. The program features five Muslim-American families in Dearborn, Mich.
David Caton, executive director of FFA, says intruders hacked into 15 levels of security, prompting them to shut down the system, The St. Petersburg Times reports. He also says he has received a death threat as well as a tip Monday night that the site would be attacked.
"In a country that supposedly embraces free speech, those that oppose our position have no qualms about destroying our free speech," Caton tells The Times. "This is the worst I've seen any group respond."
[Ed: The show wasn't controversial until Lowe's, McDonald's,  Walmart, and a half dozen others — pulled   their commercials.]

Walid Shoebat has this to say about the program
All-American Muslim  

The brand new TV show featured on Cable TV channel TLC tries to depict Muslims as "ordinary patriotic" Americans but fails to deliver in its very first episode by featuring a radical Shia Imam Husham Al- Husainy. In the first episode the Imam is featured marrying a male convert to Islam to a secular Muslim women. 

The Imam was exposed on the Sean Hannity Show back in February 2007. I remember listening to the actual interview live in which it was obvious the Imam supports Hezbollah a terror entity listed by the State Department. The Imam hates the the USA and Israel. You can hear in the interview what a nut job the Imam is and his gymnastics and crazy attacks in order to avoid answering simple questions.

The main stream media continues to propagate the illusion of a moderate Islam and moderate Muslims. The only moderate Muslims that can exist and based on the way the show is presented are the Muslims who act in a very secular way and the Muslims who follow the faith closely are a major problem when it both comes to sympathizing with terror or actually supporting it. Even the "secular" Muslims still have tribal instinct to side with the tribe rather than side with righteousness. We will continue to monitor the show as it progresses through the season.