Newsletter Update August 2009
A Note From Ed
This summer has zipped by at warp speed. Normally summers have been financially bone dry for ministries such as Saints Alive, but this summer, we have been able to meet all our needs, thanks to so many of you friends .
I have been a little off center for the last month. A little necessary maintenance on a body with too many miles on it. I am slowly coming out of the fog that goes with knee replacement surgery. I went into the hospital on July 20th and came home on the 24th. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, it has been a trip.
I have had both visiting nurses and therapists getting me back in shape and I am doing great. The main problem has been the medications. I know I needed them to help with the pain, but spent a lot of time staring at spots on the wall. It has been only in the last few days that I can actually function long enough to answer some e-mails and get this newsletter out the door. One blessing already. Because of the bad knee, I was walking like a one legged duck and my lower back was in constant pain. Now that my new right knee is balanced again, the back pain has gone for good.
I am also back to transferring articles from my old website to the new one. It had to go into park for this last month but we should have the transfer completed and an interactive site up and running as soon as I can finish my part of the work. Once it is up, it will be an ongoing
project and fully interactive, so we can be in touch when you want to be.
There is not a day that goes by that I am not praying for a number of you who send in prayer requests. I take that part of my ministry very seriously and I know from experience that prayer really works. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen to good people, but the Lord gave us a path to the throne and it is called prayer. He gave it to us to use.
If you are going though a difficult time right now, lean on the Father. He gave us the right and the way to reach out to him. The Word says to pray for one another. I want to pray for your needs, specifically. You do not need to fight this battle alone.
You can write your prayer need on the enclosed card, send me an email or go to our website and click on Prayer Request on the front page of the website. There are 234 prayer requests on my prayer list today. Every one of them has been lifted up to the Lord.
Your brother in Christ, Ed Decker
pray for one another, that you may be healed.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 b
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 b
The generous gifts and prayers of friends like you support Saints Alive. You can do that by sending in a gift on line at our website
or by sending a PayPal gift to
What a Difference!
In the Bible published by the LDS Church, on page 1421, Mormons read that "God "Justifieth the ungodly" (Romans 4:5).
However, on page 809 of the appendix in that same Bible, it records how their prophet Joseph Smith rewrote that verse in his Inspired Version of the Bible.
It reads that "God Justifieth NOT the ungodly." That is a very big difference! The Mormons must earn their righteousness by their works. How sad! Ask the Missionaries to explain that "irreconcilable difference" with orthodox Christianity.
Are There Mormons
Who are Really Saved?
That is perhaps one of the most often asked questions in our ministry. A lady asked me, "My sister was a Baptist for 20 years before she became a very active Mormon and now she is deeply offended when I suggest she might not be a born again Christian. Can she actually be both?" My answer, unfortunately was, "Not if she is adhering to LDS doctrine."
Today, the Mormons are using Christian words and phrases to let people think they are true Christians, but they cannot escape the real doctrines of Mormonism. Let's go back a few years and let reality get a hearing.
In the 1947 Mormon Sunday School manual, the late LDS Apostle, James Talmage is quoted,
“Salvation is graded. Thus, it is decreed and provided that every soul shall find his place and mingle with his kind in a state of lesser, advanced, or supreme salvation” (from THE GOSPEL MESSAGE by William Berrett, p. 18)
In the Improvement Era, the official magazine of the LDS Church for many years, taught that “salvation, however, is based on merit...” (Nov.1965, p.962)
In the 1931 Gospel Doctrine Sunday School Lessons booklet, it says: “Quite different from most Christian denominations, Latter-day Saints cannot at any time during their lives boast that they have been saved. Salvation comes not from a mere compliance with Church rituals. A confession of Jesus will not bring it.” (p.107)
How Do I Break Free From the
spiritual chains of Freemasonry?
Another recent question dealt with the struggle to break free from the cultic oaths of Freemasonry. It is a question we are often asked.
God's Word says it is not possible to serve two masters. Anyone who intends to follow Jesus must renounce Freemasonry. The Bible says, " Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?"(2Cor. 6:14)
Can Masonic Oaths be broken? Yes, on Higher Authority. God's Word overrules and overturns man's word "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."(1 John 1:9)
As part of the process of renouncing Freemasonry, it is important to formally Demit, explaining to your former brethren that you must now “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”Eph. 5:11.
Write or email us for sample demit letters and sample prayers of renunciation.
Get rid of the Masonic Paraphernalia! All that Masonic stuff in your closet, rings, hats, aprons, bibles, and books…all of it needs to be destroyed, tossed in the trash or burned. Every piece is a talisman carrying dark spirits. Get it out of the house at once.